GSW ConnectBot Client for Android

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Key Product Features

Overall Features (Telnet, SSH, Enterprise Browser)

GSW ConnectBot Features that apply to all aspects of the application.

Telnet and SSH

GSW ConnectBot allows users to run multiple Telnet and SSH sessions simultaneously.

  • SSH Security

    GSW ConnectBot is the most secure commercially available SSH Client for Android. GSW ConnectBot uses the current SSH algorithms recognized as secure to ensure you have the best protection available. Algorithms that are not deemed safe are not used.

  • Configurable Answerback

    Answerback allows the mobile client to pass a text string (up to 20 characters) to the SSH/Telnet
    server when requested.

  • Stay Connected
  • Auto Repsonse Fields

    Configure automatic response fields (with text or macros) to prompts by the application to reduce user input.

  • Mouse Touch Support

    Touch events are translated to mouse events if the applications supports mouse input.

  • Automatic Login

    No need to type a username or password, automatic login stores login credentials securely in the host configuration.

Enterprise Browser

GSW ConnectBot includes a fully featured Enterprise Browser for a seamless transition to web applications.

  • SAP ITSMobile Enhancements

    GSW Enterprise Browser for Android will transform SAP ITS Mobile into a user-friendly, visually attractive, responsive screen with multiple skin choices - all with no changes to the SAP back-end code.

  • Javascript & CSS Injection

    Customize the look of existing websites with JavaScript and CSS injection directly from the mobile device without changes to server-side code.

  • Apache Cordova Support

    Easily access device-level features using Cordova APIs and plugins. Users can control the device scanner and media, access the device file system, and gather information about the battery, network, GPS, and much more.

  • Scanner Control GSW ConnectBot Enterprise Browser makes it easy to integrate with the device Scanner on supported manufacturers.
  • Security

    Provide detailed specification of URLs that may be accessed in different scenarios such as page navigation, image source, media file source, email access, phone access, etc. 

GSW Licensing and Deployment Server (LADS)

GSW LADS is included with GSW ConnectBot at no extra cost.
GSW LADS assists in the deployment and management of GSW ConnectBot configurations and licenses.

  • Zero-Touch Device Configuration

    Zero Touch allows the administrator to configure a single device and upload it to GSW LADS. After that, any device that launches GSW ConnectBot for the first time will automatically license itself and download the configuration.

  • Custom Keyboards

    Custom keyboards can be designed with specific keys, rows, sizes , skins etc. All aspects of the keyboard can match the requirements of your environment. Custom keyboards are highly desirable to reduce input error and increase overall efficiency of the input process.

  • Custom Keyboards (Context Sensitive)

    GSW ConnectBot has the capability to recognize screens based on their unique screen content and display custom keyboards for each specific screen in Terminal Emulation sessions (Telnet or SSH). 

  • Manage Updates

    Choose when to update GSW ConnectBot for easy deployment of new versions.

  • License Management

    Mass automatic license and deployment management.

  • Configuration Management

    Central repository for all of your GSW ConnectBot configurations.

  • Public Private Key Import & Export Create and map the public and private keys to user accounts.
  • Two Tap Screen Shot

    Quickly Capture and send screenshots from GSW ConnectBot to GSW LADS.

  • Business Intelligence

    GSW LADS collects data from GSW ConnectBot including: usage, barcode scans, Wi-Fi, battery, and more. Dashalytics by GSW can use this data to provide real-time business intelligence.

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Download GSW ConnectBot Client for Android

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GSW ConnectBot Software
Release Notes

Download GSW ConnectBot LADS
License and Deployment Server(LADS) for Windows

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LADS V1.41.043
Release Notes


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GSW ConnectBot/LADS Archives
Product Archive Collection


User Manuals

User Manuals Format
GSW ConnectBot User Manual

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Georgia SoftWorks Sales Team

What do our customers say about us?

"We picked GSW to use in our solutions because it is capable of very complex telnet interactions and it is easy to use"
Eric Zou / Hentor Technology, Ltd.

"For us, the Georgia SoftWorks software tested like it was telnet on steroids... I think the biggest advantage of this software is that it's designed specifically for the needs of mobile RF users..."

Perrin / Datavision-Prologix

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