The Team Services menu is entered by a hot key sequence. The default Team Services hot key sequence is Ctrl-x, that is, depress Ctrl then x, and then release the keys.
Both elements in the sequence are configurable because your application may already have Ctrl-x defined or there may be a more convenient key or key sequence for your environment.
You can configure the TS hot key sequence to use the control key or not use the control key.
The variable TSHotKeyCtrl is a registry key value. This registry key sets the default behavior for all users.
0 disables the requirement for the CTRL key to be pressed to activate the TS Menu.
1 enables the requirement for the CTRL key to be pressed to activate the TS Menu(default).
The key is:
You can configure the TS hot key sequence to use a different key instead of x. The x is represented in our settings by its virtual key code and the common values are listed in the tables below. The values in the table are specified in hexadecimal. In the registry editor when entering a value for TSHotKeyVK be sure that the base is set to hexadecimal.
The variable TSHotKeyVK is a registry key value. This registry key sets the default behavior for all users.
The key is:
Default Value: 0x58
Virtual Key | Code |
Virtual Key | Code |
Virtual Key | Code |
Virtual Key | Code |
VK_SPACE | 0x20 |
VK_0 | 0x30 |
VK_A | 0x41 |
VK_N | 0x4E |
VK_PRIOR | 0x21 |
VK_1 | 0x31 |
VK_B | 0x42 |
VK_O | 0x4F |
VK_NEXT | 0x22 |
VK_2 | 0x32 |
VK_C | 0x43 |
VK_P | 0x50 |
VK_END | 0x23 |
VK_3 | 0x33 |
VK_D | 0x44 |
VK_Q | 0x51 |
VK_HOME | 0x24 |
VK_4 | 0x34 |
VK_E | 0x45 |
VK_R | 0x52 |
VK_LEFT | 0x25 |
VK_5 | 0x35 |
VK_F | 0x46 |
VK_S | 0x53 |
VK_UP | 0x26 |
VK_6 | 0x36 |
VK_G | 0x47 |
VK_T | 0x54 |
VK_RIGHT | 0x27 |
VK_7 | 0x37 |
VK_H | 0x48 |
VK_U | 0x55 |
VK_DOWN | 0x28 |
VK_8 | 0x38 |
VK_I | 0x49 |
VK_V | 0x56 |
VK_9 | 0x39 |
VK_J | 0x4A |
VK_W | 0x57 |
VK_K | 0x4B |
VK_X | 0x58 |
VK_L | 0x4C |
VK_Y | 0x59 |
VK_M | 0x4D |
VK_Z | 0x5A |
Virtual Key | Code |
Virtual Key | Code |
VK_NUMPAD0 | 0x60 |
VK_F1 | 0x70 |
VK_NUMPAD1 | 0x61 |
VK_F2 | 0x71 |
VK_NUMPAD2 | 0x62 |
VK_F3 | 0x72 |
VK_NUMPAD3 | 0x63 |
VK_F4 | 0x73 |
VK_NUMPAD4 | 0x64 |
VK_F5 | 0x74 |
VK_NUMPAD5 | 0x65 |
VK_F6 | 0x75 |
VK_NUMPAD6 | 0x66 |
VK_F7 | 0x76 |
VK_NUMPAD7 | 0x67 |
VK_F8 | 0x77 |
VK_NUMPAD8 | 0x68 |
VK_F9 | 0x78 |
VK_NUMPAD9 | x069 |
VK_F10 | 0x79 |
VK_F11 | 0x7A |
VK_ADD | 0x6B |
VK_F12 | 0x7B |
0x6C |
VK_F13 | 0x7C |
VK_F14 | 0x7D |
VK_F15 | 0x7E |
VK_DIVIDE | 0x6F |
VK_F16 | 0x7F |
VK_F17 | 0x80 |
VK_F18 | 0x81 |
VK_F19 | 0x82 |
VK_F20 | ox83 |
VK_F21 | 0x84 |
VK_F22 | 0x85 |
VK_F23 | 0x86 |
VK_F24 | 0x87 |