How to Browse the Internet Securely by Tunneling through an SSH Server on the Cloud

The GSW Business Tunnel is a versatile and secure connectivity tool that allows you and your coworkers secure access to required network services that are often risky due to non-secure locations or impossible due to firewall configurations.

With the GSW Business Tunnel, secure tunnels are built over a network between the Business Tunnel Software and an SSH Server. Each tunnel may contain one or more channels where encrypted traffic is encapsulated and is sent through an encrypted channel providing the security you need to confidently connect over a wifi network.

Scenario: Matt is on vacation, but his company needs him to run payroll today. He does not want to risk accessing payroll via non-secure internet access.

Solution: Matt can create a secure tunnel for his laptop to access his companies payroll website.Case: Matt is on vacation. But his company needs him to run payroll today. He does not want to risk accessing payroll via non-secure internet access. Matt can create a secure tunnel for his laptop to access his companies payroll website. He can securely browse the internet using the GSW Business Tunnel by using a generic SSH Server on the Amazon Cloud. By setting up the Tunnel, the Channel within the Tunnel and the browser configuration on your computer, Matt can be set up to browse securely within minutes.

Setting up the Tunnel –

  1. Set the address of the SSH Server Host. This is provided when you set up your Amazon Cloud.

  2. Set the Authentication Requirements. This is the logon ID and the private key provided when you set up the Amazon Cloud.

Setting up the Channel –

  1. Select Dynamic Port Forwarding

  2. Use the loopback address

  3. Choose an available port for the local port.

Setting up your Browser Configuration –

  1. Enable the Proxy Server

  2. Click on Advanced (this opens the proxy settings)

  3. Configure the Proxy Address and Port Number. The channel configuration for the local address and local ort is used in the browser configuration. These must match.

  4. Click OK, OK, and Apply!

Matt can now use the GSW Business Tunnel to securely browse the internet connecting an SSH Sever to the Amazon Cloud.

Posted in How To's and Helpful Information on Mar 03, 2017

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