GSW Product Showcase: GSW RC MDMS – Remote Control Mobile Device Monitoring Suite w/ File Transfer


The GSW RC Mobile Device Monitoring Suite (RC MDMS) is software that allows the remote control and viewing of the desktop of a mobile device. RC MDMS File transfer capabilities enable better administration due to the ease of uploading files, applications, patches, etc. to the device.

The GSW RC MDMS will positively transform your work environment. How? It allows the administrator to be in several places at once. Without leaving your office, you can observe the workflow of a multitude of mobile devices. You can see the device screen on YOUR monitor as it appears to the device user. This will benefit your company in a variety of ways:


  • Respond Fast - When help is needed, you can respond from your desk without having to walk across the warehouse floor.
  • Accurate Data – You can monitor the device screen from your desk, with your eyes, as it is happening.
  • Training – Train new employees by remote observation of workflow and provide remote guidance with ease.
  • Device status – You can monitor RF Signal, battery strength, CPU and memory utilization.
  • Screen Capture – Fast screen capture available with time stamp. You can also capture several images.
  • File Transfer – transfer files to and from the device, with an easy-to-use file selection GUI.


  • Efficiency – Monitor devices to confirm efficient workflows are employed.
  • Availability – Know when a device is not in use and is available.


  • Observe employees to verify there are not visiting unauthorized sites or exposing confidential information.


  • Remotely view device screens to ensure adherence to company standards.


  • Demonstrate your product from your laptop or even your potential customers workstation

Features of the RC MDMS:

Browser Base Application– A major benefit of the RcMDMS is that all of it’s features function 100% within a web browser. Using protocols over a TCP/IP network enables robust and industrial grade operations with very little overhead on the network and minimal impact to the End User’s mobile device.

File Transfer– Use the RcMDMS web browser interface to transfer files between the mobile device and the workstation.

Remote Control Shadowing– With the RCShad-owing feature you can take control of the device with a workstations keyboard and mouse and monitor. By doing so, configuring settings, running programs and rebooting on the mobile device are done through a fast and minimal overhead to the network TCP/IP connection.

Monitoring– With this feature the Administrator can view any mobile device without the worry of compromising the work flow with any accidental remote control.

Device Status Graphing- Monitoring Device Status of four key indicators are displayed in real time through a flowing line graph. The indicators shown are CPU Usage, Battery Status, Memory Usage, and Wi-Fi Signal Strength. Additional aspects of each indicator is shown in a separate tab in a more detailed format.

Device Groupings– Create groups of mobile de-vices. These lists are convenient in accessing quickly numerous devices.

Screen Capture– Capture several mobile devices screen images in an instant. This unique method enables the recording of many screen shots one after another, sort through the images you need, and finally save them.

Posted in Product Showcase on Jan 19, 2017

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