GSW Celebrates 10 Years since Launch of Telnet/SSH Feature Team Services

Georgia SoftWorks (GSW) celebrates 10 years since the launch of Team Services, their breakthrough collaboration technology feature for Telnet/SSH. In 2009, Georgia SoftWorks released their Team Services feature which allowed for unprecedented team work collaboration.

Team Services allows users to Share, Swap, Transfer and Recover Sessions, all initiated from the GSW SSH/Telnet client. All team services features can be controlled from the device or workstation, with no system administrator intervention required.

The four main components of Team Services are:

Transfer – Move a session from one device to a second device.

Transfer your session from your device to a team member’s device.

Without logging off, resume work exactly where you left off.

            Example:  Your forklift mount device can’t reach certain items to scan, so you use a 

            coworker’s wireless device while they are on break to scan the needed items.  

Swap - Swap devices, but keep your session.

   Transfer your session to a team member’s device and at the same time transfer their session to your device. Without logging off, both workers resume work at the exact point they were prior to the swap.

         Example: Your forklift mount can’t reach certain items to scan, but your coworker with a 

         mobile device needs to continue working as well. You are able to swap sessions and use each

         other’s device and both continue working.

Share – Two devices share an individual session.

This can allow a user to work with two devices in the same session, or allow team members to help or assist other team members. It can also be used for quality control.

Example: Tom, who is new on the job, has a question about his device. He is able to share his screen with his coworker, Shane, so that Shane can assist Tom.

Recover – Allows a device to reconnect to a suspended or dropped session.

Recover operation allows a suspended session to be recovered to another device.

Example: Ronald’s battery dies in his device. He was in the middle of critical work and cannot lose his session. He is able to recover his session on a new device.

Posted in What's Happening on Sep 05, 2019

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