The GSW SSH Server for Windows is the fastest, most robust secure SSH Server for Windows. It was designed and developed for the most demanding industrial and commercial application. With a vast array of features, their Windows SSH Server surpasses any other SSH Server on the market.
One of the features - Did you know that you can enable or disable Digital Certificate Logon with the GSW Windows SSH Server? In 3 easy steps, you can change the registry key that allows or restricts this logon authentication.
Depending on the environment, some may want to restrict this capability and not allow Digital Certificate Logons, while others want to allow Digital Certificates for logon authentication.
A few things to note before getting started –
The cability to allow/restrict digital certificate authentication is controlled by the registry key bEnableLogonCertificate. The key is:
For Win x64:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Georgia SoftWorks\GSW_SSHD\Parameters\bEnableLogonCertificate
For Win x86:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Georgia SoftWorks\GSW_SSHD\Parameters\bEnableLogonCertificate
Value Key:
0x01 = Allows Digital Certificate Logon
0x00 = Disallow Digital Certificate Logon
Changing this key will enable or disable the Digital Certificate Logon.
Let's get started!
In 3 easy steps, you can enable user certificate logon using the GSW Windows SSH Server.
Step 1: Navigate to the Registry Key –
Click START at the bottom left corner of your screen, click RUN. Type REGEDIT and click OK. Locate the correct registry key:
For Win x64:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Georgia SoftWorks\GSW_SSHD\Parameters\bEnableLogonCertificate
For Win x86:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Georgia SoftWorks\GSW_SSHD\Parameters\bEnableLogonCertificate
Step 2: Edit the Value Key
Select the menu item EDIT and then click on MOTIFY. Enter the new value for bEnableLogonCertificate and click OK.
Value Key:
0x01 = Allows Digital Certificate Logon
0x00 = Disallow Digital Certificate Logon
Step 3: Restart the GSW SSH Service
The new value will take effect upon restart.
Watch this video to watch us Enable User Certificate Logon