Posted in How To's and Helpful Information on Feb 23, 2017
Georgia SoftWorks researched and developed an innovative, easy to use, and secure implementation a 'validation and mapping’ method.
Posted in Reseller Anniversaries on Jan 26, 2017
Georgia SoftWorks (GSW) thanks Germany’s Le Consult for 15 years of partnership as an authorized reseller of the GSW Telnet Server for Windows and SSH Server for Windows.
Posted in Product Showcase on Jan 19, 2017
GSW RC Mobile Device Monitoring Suite (RC MDMS) is software that allows the remote control and viewing of the desktop of a mobile device. RC MDMS File transfer capabilities enable better administration due to the ease of uploading files, applications, patches, etc. to the device.
Posted on Dec 23, 2016
GeorgiaSoftWorks, developer of the GSW Telnet Server and SSH Server for Windows, is celebrating their 25th anniversary of operations this year. Since opening in 1991, GSW has transformed from a small software development business into a globally recognized company with resellers and end users in every continent except Antarctica.
Posted on Nov 30, 2016
Georgia SoftWorks’ SSH Server and SSH Client provides a FIPS 140-2 compliant option for those entities with requirements to meet cryptographic module security standards to protect sensitive and valuable data.