< Universal Terminal Server (UTS) Telnet Server - Archive

V8.16.0029 - March 24, 2025


Release Version 8.16.0029, February 29, 2025 - Feature Release

  1. GSW Desktop Clents updated to provide window control using -e switch options.

  2. Desktop Client default batch settings added to use the following options: -4 -e0 -e2 -e3

  3. Georgia SoftWorks Session Administrator TeamS column is replaced with Protocol to indicate Telnet or SSH connection.

  4. GSW Desktop SSH Client "gs_ssh.exe" updated to use OpenSSL3.

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Desktop client -r and -f arguments now work as expected and documented.

Status: Fixed

V8.15.0035 - March 04, 2024


Release Version 8.15.0035, February 29, 2024 - Feature Release

  1. Georgia SoftWorks Desktop SSH client now supports delegation of Kerberos credentials. This includes the ability to connect network shares without having to re-enter username and password inside of the SSH Session. This is commonly refered to Single Sign-on. Specifiy -md instead of -m to enable the feature, for example gs_ssh -md host.example.com

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Registration Utility Unable to read HASP key data fields introduced in v8.15.0034.

Status: Fixed



Release Version 8.15.0034, February 7, 2024 - Feature Release

  1. GSW UTS registry entries to support Dashalytics

  2. The following key parameters were added:

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\GS_Tnet\Parameters Parameter | TYPE | Default | Description

    LadsPostHost | REG_SZ | Empty | Specify the IP address of the LADS server LadsPostPath | REG_SZ | /json | Specify URL path LadsPostPort | DWORD | 12443 | PostGSAgntLogEntries | DWORD | 0 | value 1=log 0=nolog

  3. LADS Dashalytics
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Georgia SoftWorks\gswlads\Parameters bBIUseDashalyticsByCurl DWORD 1=use Turn DashAlytics on 0 = Turn DashAlytics off

  4. GSW UTS Registration tool now accepts 5 year renewals

  5. Self-Registration added to UTS/SSH. Website APIs coming Summer 2024

V8.14.0015 - March 01, 2023


Release Version 8.14.0015, February 23, 2023 - Maintenance Release

  1. UTS Session Admin reports on SSH sessions and Pseudoconsole.

Session Admin command line reports through the “/I” argument has been enhanced to provide information for each session that indicates use of SSH and Pseudoconsole.


Defect Resolutions:

  1. Registration Tool and Register.txt were not updated to use version 8.12. Problem introduced in v8.12

Status: Fixed

  1. With newer operating systems the GS_Tnet log would report the wrong OS Level.

V8.12.0017 - December 28, 2022


Release Version 8.12.0017 , December 23, 2022 - Maintenance Release

  1. UTS and GSW ConnectBot now support surrogate characters. This includes support for Vietnamese characters and Emojis

  2. GSW UTS reports all Event Log events to Dashalytics (if configured)

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Orphaned processes are sometimes left even though gwtn_job_control is ON Status: Fixed

  2. GSW Clients for Windows Mobile & CE: Cursor and column alignment issue for Chinese characters. GSW Clients corrected. Status: Fixed

    This fix has the following UTS Configuraiton dependency.

    • Unicode session has to be used
    • The server has to be configured to have ForceV2, Registry entry HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT\Console\ForceV2 should be set to 1.

V8.11.0012 - December 29, 2021


Release Version 8.11.0012, December 28, 2021 - Maintenance Release

  1. Telnet and SSH Client Automatic Updates disabled by default
  2. IP_NOT_SET removed from gsw_elog.txt
  3. Supported Windows OS's updated to include Server 2022 and Windows 11

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Session Administrator was updated to remove occasional screen artifacts

Status: Fixed

  1. GSW UTS GUI Configuration tool - When making extensive multiple changes to user configuration some of the changes do not persist.

Status: Fixed

V8.10.0005 - November 10, 2020


Release Version 8.10.0005, October 26, 2020 - Maintenance Release

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Scanned data is not echoed to the screen immediately but instead is displayed with a delay of 0.5 to 1.5 seconds

Status: Fixed

V8.10.0004 - October 05, 2020


Release Version 8.10.0004, October 5, 2020 - Maintenance Release IMPORTANT Version 8.10.0003 should be replaced with this version.

Defect Resolutions:

  1. x64 version of UTS - with pseduconsole enabled (experimental feature), the logon script was launched prior to the completion of the session setup. This could cause a maloperation(freeze) of the session if Programmatic Interface was used.

    A new registry parameter has been added called: SessionStartDelay The value is represented in seconds. Default is 3


    This delays launch of logon scripts the number of seconds configured.

Status: Fixed

  1. x64 version of the UTS - v8.10.0003 introduced a problem where print jobs may be spooled with unintended owner.

Status: Fixed

  1. In some scenarios problems accessing network shares may occur.

Status: Fixed

V8.10.0003 - August 25, 2020


Release Version 8.10.0003, August 12, 2020 - Feature/Maintenance Release

  1. .msi package of UTS is available for administrators using mass deployment tools such as GPO. .msi files are suitable for creating customized deployment configurations using Microsoft Orca and MSI transforms.

  2. Microsoft Pseduoconsole support Pseudoconsole support is a very powerful feature and brings many of the capabilities presented by Microsoft in so called Windows Terminal to SSH and Telnet. Microsoft is very enthusiastic about Windows Terminal (https://github.com/microsoft/terminal) but at the time of this writing we have to treat our Pseudoconsole support as experimental for reasons explained in user manual.

     Global and Per User
     GUI Configuration (Global)
     Sets registry key: EnablePseudoconsole 1=enabled, 0=disabled
     Default: Disabled 0
     Environment variable  (Per User, overrides global setting)
     gwtn_enable_pseudoconsole, Y=enable, N=disabled
  3. Send screen size to 3rd party client GSW UTS sends screen size to 3rd party clients. Supported by modern terminal emulation clients such as GSW ConnectBot and Putty

    Global and Per User

     GUI Configuration  (Global)

    Sets registry key: EnableSendScreenSizeTo3rdParty 1=enabled,0=disabled Default: Enabled 1

     Environment variable (Per User, overrides global setting) 
    gwtn_enable_send_screen_size_to_3rd_party, Y=enabled, N=disabled
  4. Support for 5000 sessions

  5. User Manual Updated

Defect Resolutions:

  1. SSH Server would not use the default UTS domain specified by 3rd party clients. This value is under UTS but SSH Shield needs to use it to provide the same behavvior as for telnet.


Status: Fixed

V8.09.004 - November 07, 2019


Version 8.09.0004 (Nov 08, 2019)

Feature/Maintenance Release

  1. Supports 4999 connections.
  2. When installing the GSW Desktop Client - a new registry entry is created to indicate the installation path of the desktop client files under

     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Georgia SoftWorks\GSW_UTS\Parameters\InstallPath
  3. New environment variable added that contains the installation path of the UTS. gwtn_install_path - installation path of the UTS
  4. Added support for Windows Server 2016 and 2019 core. Windows core limitation:
    There is no support for HTML rendering or HTML help in Server Core editions and consequently GSW graphical UTS Configuration Utility descriptions are not rendered.
  5. Added Mouse support for third party clients (8.09.0003) Compatible with "XTERM-style mouse reports". This includes PuTTY and GSW ConnectBot.

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Function key F5 would not work with Wavelink client. Problem introduced in v8.09.0003

Status: Fixed

  1. UTS did not properly process longer names for GSW ConnectBot extended device information environment variables.

Status: Fixed

V8.09.0003 - November 03, 2018


UTS/SSH Shield Major Feature Release

  1. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield - Client Self Termination: Clients can self-terminate session with ctrl-x followed by F9. For example, if an application hangs the user can terminate the session without involving the system administrator.

  2. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield and GSW ConnectBot -Device and Client Information Strings- When using the GSW ConnectBot client and Device and Client Information String is enabled, a number of environment variables can be accessed by the application to obtain device and client information.

  3. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield - Enable 3rd Party Client Mouse Operation 3rd party clients that have mouse support can operate with the UTS. Examples: GSW ConnectBot and PuTTY

  4. GSW UTS (Telnet) - Max 3rd Party Logon Attempts Added. The number of logon attempts before the session is disconnected.

  5. GSW UTS (Telnet) - Logon Inactivity Timeout Added. The amount of time that the user has to enter credentials before the session is disconnected.

  6. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield Windows CE Clients - Capability to Enable/Disable the Status Bar and the Task Bar

  7. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield Desktop Client - Ability to Change the Title Bar Content

  8. GSW UTS (SSH) -SCP/SFTP Can Now Be Directed to a UNC Path.

Defect Resolutions:

  1. GSW UTS Windows Clients Automatic Update Could Fail Due to Missing DLL. (8.08.0003) STATUS: FIXED

  2. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield Possibility of Screen Corruption Possibility of screen corruptions when running SAPConsole with 3rd party telnet / ssh clients due to null characters. STATUS: FIXED

  3. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield GS_Color.txt Handing The UTS did not look for user-specific GS_Color.text in the users logon script folder. STATUS: FIXED




  1. IP Address added to GSW Event Log
  2. Windows 10 Support
  3. Updated HASP Drivers
  4. New configuration parameters added for selection of:
    • ciphers
    • host key algorithms
    • key exchange algorithms
    • HMACs
  5. Documentation updates and copyright updates
  6. Default log file size increased to 10MB

Defect Resolutions

  1. Fixed issue where GSW UTS Registration Tool would occasionally not properly register software.

v8.09.0001 - August 03, 2018


Feature/Maintenance Release GSW Universal Terminal Server

GSW UTS - Features

  1. New Automatic Reconnect/Session Saver methods added: AUTO_BY_USER_AND_IP_ALWAYS and AUTO_BY_USER_ALWAYS
  2. UTS Configuration tool updated to support AUTO_BY_USER_AND_IP_ALWAYS and AUTO_BY_USER_ALWAYS
  3. UTS Configuration tool updated to support more than 1000 user profiles
  4. UTS setup modified to automatically create a folder containing Georgia SoftWorks mobile client setup program
  5. Documentation improvements and copyright updates
  6. gwtn_inactivity_timeout environment variable if data (keyboard or mouse events) is not received from a client within a specified time then the client session is terminated.
  7. NOTE - this setting does not apply to GSW clients where Client Side Heartbeat is enabled (default setting).
  8. gstn_serverside_heartbeat "User defined Server SideHeartbeat Timer" - when added to the users logon script c_start.bat /k_start.bat. Sets frequency in seconds which to poll the 3rd party client for the presence. If the client is not present then Graceful Termination, if configured, is initiated.

GSW SSH Shield - Features

  1. Report IP addresses associated with failed logon attempts in gsw_sshd.log file
  2. Failed SSH logon data logged for technical support team
  3. Defect Resolutions

GSW UTS and SSH Shield (SSH)

Status: N/A

V8.07.0002 - February 26, 2016


UTS/SSH Shield Major Feature Release

  1. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield - Windows 10 Support

  2. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield - Updated HASP Drivers

  3. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield - Software copyright updates

  4. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield - Documentation improvements and copyright updates

  5. GSW SSH Shield Significant performance enhancements when transferring large amounts of data. Major Feature. Great for securing network file transfers with SMB (Server Message Block) protocol.

  6. GSW SSH Shield- Performance optimizations for GSW SSH desktop client.

  7. GSW SSH Shield New configuration parameters added for selection of:

    • ciphers
    • host key algorithms
    • key exchange algorithms
    • hmacs
    • And more
  8. GSW SSH Shield - SFTP server capability added (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

  9. GSW SSH Shield - SCP support added (Secure File Copy)

  10. GSW SSH Shield - Remote command execution “exec” support added as specified in the SSH Connection Protocol.

  11. GSW SSH Shield - Host Fingerprints.txt file format modification Changed format to contain both SHA1 and MD5 hashes

Defect Resolutions:

  1. GSW UTS (Telnet) and SSH Shield - Registration tool occasionally would not register properly. STATUS: FIXED

V8.06.0001 - January 27, 2015


GSW UTS Feature Release

  1. GSW UTS (Telnet and SSH Shield) Mobile Clients- GSW Mobile clients updated to support Windows Embedded Compact 7. (Formerly know as Windows Embedded CE 7.0)

  2. GSW UTS (Telnet and SSH Shield) Mobile Clients- GSW Mobile clients updated to allow for new keyword: COMMA in the [Macros] section of the client’s INI file

  3. GSW UTS (Telnet and SSH Shield) - The COMMA special character is new Graceful Termination special character and can be used as expected.

  4. Software copyright updates

  5. Documentation improvements and copyright updates

Defect Resolutions:

  1. GSW UTS Mobile clients Occasionally client software would become unresponsive. Connection close request are sometimes missed because of timing issues related to the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects API STATUS: FIXED

  2. GSW SSH Shield (SSH) Unterminated/stalled connections when server side sends large amounts of data and immediately closes connection. This would more often manifest itself when slow connection, slow client computer, or slow client software is used. STATUS: FIXED

V8.05.0031 - October 24, 2014


GSW UTS Release

  1. GSW UTS (Telnet and SSH Shield) Digital code signing certificate updated to use SHA-2 cryptographic hash functions. SHA-2 provides greater security than SHA-1. Additionally Microsoft will cease to trust code signing certificates that use SHA-1 Jan 2016. Please note: Some older systems may not yet support SHA-2. Two options are available to obtain support for SHA-2. 1. Usually the Microsoft updates will include support. 2. Microsoft has provided a Hotfix for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP http://support.microsoft.com/kb/96873

V8.05.0023 - April 25, 2014


GSW UTS Feature Release

  1. GSW UTS Product validated on following operating systems:
  1. IPv4 and IPv6 matching criteria allow for a single asterisk (*) character wildcard that means “Match All”

  2. GSW SSH Desktop Clients SSH desktop client includes Elliptic Curve Cryptography support for server-to-client authentication, key exchange and public key authentication. The following types of ECC public keys are supported:

  1. GSW UTS The Georgia SoftWorks Certificate Mapping Tool now supports public key to user account mapping.

  2. GSW UTS Significant documentation updates

Defect Resolutions:

  1. GSW UTS/SSH Shield Fixed GSSAPI authentication problems affecting NTLM and Kerberos logons STATUS: FIXED

  2. GSW UTS/SSH Shield DSA public key authentication could fail even if corresponding private key is invalid. STATUS: FIXED

V8.04.0012 - April 25, 2013


Feature Release (GSW UTS - Telnet and SSH)

  1. GSW UTS Product validated on following operating systems: • Windows Server 2012 • Windows 8 , Windows Small Business Server 2011
  2. GSW UTS Support added for Windows PowerShell® and other custom shells. Can be configured to replace the standard Command Prompt.
  3. GSW UTS Gswbell.exe utility added to support SAP bell operation after a reconnect when using Session Saver with SAPConsole
  4. GSW Mobile and Desktop Clients Support for Vangard Voice System's AccuSpeech® technology added to all mobile and desktop client software. AccuSpeech's innovation brings high productivity voice controls, data collection, voice reporting and prompting capabilities.
  5. GSW Windows CE Client GSW Windows CE client modified to use the AUDIO_PlayBeeper API if AudioAPI32.dll is available on Motorola devices.
  6. GSW UTS Icons added for UTS program shortcut items Feature A13116 GSW UTS Removed 40 bit Encryption editions from the build and downloads.

Defect Resolutions

  1. User Manual Corrections

V8.03.0019 - February 23, 2012


UTS Feature/Maintenance Release

  1. GSW UTS The capability to receive 3rd party client configuration strings is disabled by default to avoid 2-second delay in session startup. The feature is now controlled by the registry parameter ‘Enable3rdPartyConfStrings’ in the UTS service parameter group. Where 0 – disabled, 1 – enabled.
  2. GSW Mobile Clients Improved compatibility with Windows Mobile 6.5

Defect Resolutions:

  1. GSW UTS Telnet Encryption (non-SSH) Under certain conditions the answerback and MAC address passed from the client would be corrupted or missing. STATUS: FIXED

V8.03.0017 - October 11, 2011


GSW UTS Release: Defect Resolution:

  1. UTS Start Menu - UTS Program Group not displayed for all users. Some installations of the GSW UTS would not create the GSW program group in the file system directory that contains directories for the common program groups that appear on the 'Start' menu for all users. STATUS: FIXED

V8.03.0014 - October 11, 2011


GSW UTS Release Defect Resolution:

  1. UTS GSW Clients unable to enter characters after reconnect to a saved session. An exception message could also occur. The problem was introduced in v8.03.0011. STATUS: FIXED

V8.03.0012 - July 20, 2011


GSW UTS Feature/Maintenance Release:

  1. UTS Configuration Tool Context sensitive help is available through the F1 function key and the ‘Help’ button.

Defect Resolutions

  1. UTS Escape key would not work as expected with 3rd party telnet and ssh clients. The problem was introduced in v8.03.0011. STATUS: FIXED

V8.03.0011 - June 29, 2011


Feature Release (SSH2 and Telnet):

  1. UTS Configuration Tool – Major Feature Graphical User Interface(GUI) configuration tool implemented for UTS configuration. Familiar Windows Explorer navigation style. Configuration provisioning and management capabilities.
  2. GSW Mobile Clients - Client uniqueness support improved with two environment variables:
    • Client IP address as seen by the client device
    • Hardware Abstraction Layer Universally Unique Identifier
  3. GSW Desktop Clients - Client uniqueness support improved with new environment variable
    • Client IP address as seen by the client computer 4.GSW Mobile Clients - Compatible with Windows CE 6

Defect Resolutions

  1. GSW Java Client Incorrect screen behavior when used with more than 128 screen columns. STATUS: FIXED
  2. All GSW Clients The environment variable gwtn_client_mac would sometimes represent the network adapter other than the one associated with the current SSH2 or Telnet session. STATUS: FIXED

V8.02.0048 - August 26, 2010


GSW UTS Feature and Maintenance Release

  1. UTS 32-bit edition Default GSW UTS Configuration files updated to include comments and examples related to IPv6 configuration.

Defect Resolutions

  1. GSW Mobile Clients for Windows CE Under certain conditions the client software would lose settings needed for Autologon to operate properly. STATUS: FIXED

V8.02.0047 - July 23, 2010


GSW UTS Release:

Defect Resolution: 1.GSW UTS: Session Saver: Incorrect reconnect behavior when configured with AUTO_BY_USER_AND_IP. Defect introduced with v8.02.0046. STATUS: FIXED

V8.02.0046 - July 07, 2010


Major Feature Release for SSH2 Server and Telnet Server:

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) IPv6 Support added. By default the GSW UTS accepts both IPv4 and IPv6 connections. Options exist to restrict the protocol to either IPv4 or IPv6 only. The following configuration files accept IPv6 addresses: GS_L_IP.TXT GS_IP_RT.TXT GS_IPENC.TXT GS_LB_IP.TXT GS_AUTO.TXT GS_LOGON.TXT ISATAP addresses are supported.

  2. GSW Mobile Clients (SSH2/Telnet) IPv6 support added. The host field in the connection configuration dialog now accepts symbolic host names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

  3. GSW Desktop Client (SSH2) IPv6 support added. The host may be specified using symbolic names, IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Options exist (‘-4’ and ‘-6’ command line parameters) to restrict the protocol to either IPv4 or IPv6 only. ISATAP addresses are supported.

  4. GSW Desktop Client (Telnet) IPv6 support added. The host may be specified using symbolic names, IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Options exist (‘-4’ and ‘-6’ command line parameters) to restrict the protocol to either IPv4 or IPv6 only. ISATAP addresses are supported.

  5. GSW Session Administrator (SSH2/Telnet) IPv6 support added to the main and detail views.

V8.02.0039 05/12/2010 - May 12, 2010


GSW UTS Feature Release

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) GSW Team Services - Strict Teams Option Allows the administrator to define teams of users who will be able to interact via GSW Team Services. Particularly useful when in Application Server Environments and in situations when the pool of SSH2/Telnet users spans multiple departments or location.
  2. GSW Universal Terminal Server- (SSH2) Kerberos over GSSAPI authentication support added. ‘gssapi-with-mic’ A10092 GSW Universal Terminal Server- (SSH2) NTLM over GSSAPI authentication support added. ‘gssapi-with-mic’
  3. GSW Universal Terminal Server- (SSH2) 'x509v3-sign-rsa' and 'x509v3-sign-dss' public key authentications with certificate to user account mapping that is configurable through included GSW CertMap GUI application. Both 'One-to-one' and 'Many-to-one’ certificate mapping models are supported. User certificate validation allows for the use of Certificate Trust List (CTL).
  4. GSW Mobile Clients (SSH2) Single Sign-On through NTLM over GSSAPI. ‘gssapi-with-mic’ Configuration is done through client side GUI dialogs.
  5. GSW Mobile Clients (SSH2) Certificate based authentication through 'x509v3-sign-rsa' public key authentication and 'x509v3-sign-dss' public key authentication standards. Configuration is done through client side GUI dialogs. This feature is integrated with the Microsoft Certificate Stores.
  6. GSW Desktop Clients (SSH2) Single Sign-On through NTLM over GSSAPI and Kerberos over GSSAPI. Configuration of these authentications is done through a new command line parameter for the client
  7. GSW Desktop Clients (SSH2) Certificate based authentication through 'x509v3-sign-rsa' public key authentication and 'x509v3-sign-dss' public key authentication standards. Configuration of these authentications is done through a new command line parameter for the client. This feature is integrated with Microsoft Certificate Stores.
  8. GSW Desktop Clients (Telnet/SSH2) Print Screen functionality with configurable trigger key. The default Print Screen key is
  9. Verified correct operation up through Windows 2008 R2

Defect Resolutions:

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server- Mobile Clients (SSH2) SSH renegotiation (rekeying) would not work when initiated by Wavelink client software for mobile devices. STATUS: FIXED

V8.01.0014 11/19/2009 - November 19, 2009


Maintenance Release for GSW UTS Features:


Defect Resolutions:

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server Intermittent missing mouse pointer with GSW Desktop client. Status: Fixed

V8.01.0012 10/01/2009 - October 01, 2009


Feature Release for GSW SSH Sever, Telnet Server and Mobile Clients

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) GSW Team Services - Unprecedented user collaboration and empowering users with innovative session management tools from the client device! TRANSFER - Move a session from one device to another SWAP - Swap devices with another team member, keeping your session. SHARE - Share a single session with two devices. RECOVER - Recover a suspended session. All performed from the device - - No System Administrator intervention required
  2. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) Windows 7 Compatible (32 bit and 64 bit)
  3. GSW Mobile Clients for Windows Mobile supports Honeywell specific key codes for function keys 0012

V7.51.0001 03/12/2009 - March 12, 2009


Feature Release for GSW UTS

  1. GSW Mobile Clients Support Simplified Chinese with Font GB GSW CE/Mobile SSH2 clients for Windows support Simplified Chinese with Font GB (True Type)
  2. GSW UTS (SSH2/Telnet) – Windows Server 2008 Compatible GSW UTS Server is Windows 2008 compatible.
  3. GSW UTS (SSH2/Telnet) – VMware ESX Compatible GSW UTS is compatible with VMWare ESX Server virtualization product.
  4. GSW UTS (SSH2/Telnet) - Microsoft Hyper-V compatible GSW UTS is compatible with Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization server.
  5. GSW – Mobile Clients - Application Launch Bypass GSW Mobile clients (PPC 2003/Windows Mobile 5/6) can be configured so it will easily interoperate with application launch utilities like Intermec’s iLaunch such that the client will terminate immediately when the session ends.
  6. GSW UTS - Pass-through Printing Configurable Print Data Buffer Size.
  7. GSW UTS - Session Administrator The GSW Session Administrator (GS_ADMIN) can be executed in a Windows Terminal Services session.

V7.50.0003 06/20/2008 - June 20, 2008


Feature Release for GSW UTS / New Product - FIPS 140-2 Option

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) GSW CE/Mobile SSH2 clients for Windows allow for FIPS 140-2 compliant operation as described in the SSH2 and UTS User Manuals Certificate Numbers: GSW Clients for Windows CE 5.0/Mobile 5.0 Cert: #560 GSW Clients for Windows CE 6.0/Mobile 6.0 Cert: #825
  2. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) GSW SSH2 Desktop client updated to use latest FIPS 140-2 compliant component which uses OpenSSL FIPS object module 1.1.2 Certificate Numbers: GSW Desktop Client - Cert #918
  3. GSW SSH2 Server (SSH Shield) GSW SSH2 Server updated to use latest FIPS 140-2 compliant component which uses OpenSSL FIPS object module 1.1.2 Certificate Numbers: GSW SSH Shield - Cert #918
  4. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) GSW Session Administrator displays the asterisk ‘*’ pre-pended to the user name when a connection is verified as a FIPS 140-2 compliant connection. This means that the GSW SSH2 mobile/desktop client selected the “FIPS SSH2” configuration option and the SSH2 Server is verified as FIPS 140-2 compliant.
  5. GSW Universal Terminal Server Floating License drivers HASPHL 5.22 (HaspUserSetup.exe) can be used for all version of UTS when running Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003.

    Defect Resolutions:

  6. GSW Universal Terminal Server Improper cursor positioning when Unicode double width characters and Unicode single width characters are mixed on the same row. Status: Fixed

V7.01.0003 02/28/2007 - February 28, 2007


Feature Release for GSW Universal Terminal Server (UTS)

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) Windows VISTA Support
  2. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) Standard 32-bit UTS version validated on Windows x64 Editions. This includes Windows XP x64, VISTA x64 and 2003 Server x64 Significant performance benefits.
  3. GSW Universal Terminal Server - Native 64-bit Edition Introduced GSW UTS x64 Edition is native for Windows x64 Editions This includes Windows XP x64, VISTA x64 and 2003 Server x64. Note: When using the Floating License with the GSW UTS x64, the new HASPHL drivers associated with this release must be used. Significant performance benefits
  4. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) 128-Bit Encryption is now the default encryption for product distribution.
  5. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) Distribution CD includes both the GSW UTS x64 Edition and the standard 32-bit Edition.

    Defect Resolutions:

  6. Compatibility problem with gs_auto.txt and GSW Encryption Status: Fixed
  7. Under certain scenarios, GSW_Link did not store SSH2 server host key digests resulting in redundant attempts to save the digests. Status: Fixed

V6.51.0001 07/25/2006 - July 25, 2006


Feature Release for GSW Universal Terminal Server

  1. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) Domain override capability for 3rd party clients. The domain can be specified in the Telnet client username field.
  2. GSW Universal Terminal Server (SSH2/Telnet) Support for GSW RF FormMaker
  3. GSW Mobile Clients GSW Windows CE .NET 4.2/5.0 Mobile Clients allows for the selection of additional raster fonts. 9x16, 10x12, 10x13, 12x16
  4. GSW Mobile Clients GSW mobile clients for Windows Pocket PC 2003, Windows Mobile 2003/2005 support Macros.
  5. GSW Mobile Clients All GSW Mobile Clients (except for Windows PPC 2002) free function keys F1-F12 for use with applications running under Telnet/SSH2.
  6. GSW UTS Documentation Installation instructions for Floating License updated to install drivers prior to inserting the key.

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Macros The syntax double equal ‘==’ did not parse and assign properly. For example F1== did not assign the ‘=’ character to F1. Status: Fixed

V6.50.0044 11/02/2005 - November 02, 2005


Feature Release for GSW SSH Server and Telnet Server

  1. GSW Universal Mobile SSH2/Telnet Clients for Windows CE. NET 4.2 is available. -MAJOR FEATURE. Designed to be compatible with ALL ARMv4, ARMv4i and x86 devices running Windows CE .NET 4.2 . No special qualifications required!
  2. GSW Mobile Clients Modified to Save All Configuration Settings in CAB files. Aids system administrators in creating persistent configurations and configuration cloning. Applies to GSW Mobile Clients for Windows CE .NET 4.2 and GSW PPC 2003 Mobile Clients.
  3. PSC Falcon 4410 Verified for correct operation with ARMv4i edition of the GSW Universal Mobile Clients.
  4. Mobile Clients modified to test for network connectivity without the use of server's port 80 as Microsoft suggests at:

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Certain SIDs occasionally caused the user's hive not to be loaded properly as HKEY_CURRENT_USER Status – FIXED

V6.50.0042 07/28/2005 - July 28, 2005


Feature Release for GSW SSH Server and Telnet Server

  1. GSW mobile client for Intermec CV60 with enhanced features Windows CE .NET 4 is supported.
  2. GSW Mobile Client Keyboard Macros Use for remapping function keys to keystroke sequences
  3. Implemented Aladdin new Hasp HL GUI device driver installation software. GUI Interface is easier to use. Note: Use with Version 6.50.0038 or later.
  4. GSW Mobile Client Break-Out Sequence Break out of a session with Ctrl-Shift-D
  5. NAWS telnet option is now configurable for 3rd party clients. Configure the Negotiate About Window Size (NAWS) telnet option for 3rd party clients. NOTE: Default is disabled. Previous behavior was enabled since Version 6.50.0035 released in February of 2005.
  6. True Client Side Printing Polling Interval Configurable interval for polling the gwtn_printerX printer queue
  7. Enable or Disable Telnet Encryption based on IP Address

V6.50.0038 06/06/2005 - June 06, 2005


Feature Release for GSW SSH Server and Telnet Server:

  1. GSW Mobile Clients for Windows CE .NET 4. The following special keys Up, Down, Left, Right, PgUp, PgDown, Home, End, Ins, Del are sent to the host with PC compatible scan codes. This is to ensure applications relying on standard scan code values function correctly with WIN CE .NET 4.2 devices.

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Implemented Aladdin new Hasp API's to address Data Execution Prevention(DEP) exceptions on systems with hardware and software support for Execution Disable Bit functionality. Status: FIXED.

V6.50.0037 04/12/2005 - April 12, 2005


Feature Release for GSW Universal Terminal Server and Mobile Clients

  1. GSW Mobile Clients for Windows CE .NET 4.2 and Pocket PC 2003 No Scroll Bars option added to increase usable screen space.
  2. LSP (Layered Service Providers) compatibility enhancements. A number of changes were made to enhance compatibility of the GSW Telnet/SSH2 Server and systems with Layered Service Providers loaded. This UTS version or later is required by Rocket Terminal Engine 1.39.0012
  3. User Manual Description of Automatic Logon Improvements

    Defect Resolutions:

  4. On Intermec CK30 and possibly other CE .NET 4.2 devices, function keys send non-standard scan codes. This may cause applications that depend on standard scan codes to misbehave, for example: Norton Commander.

V6.50.0035 02/10/2005 - February 10, 2005


Feature Release for GSW Telnet Server and SSH Server and Mobile Clients

  1. GSW mobile client for Intermec CK30 with enhanced features A GSW mobile client for the Intermec CK30 device running Microsoft Windows CE .NET V4.2 is supported.
  2. GSW mobile client for Windows CE .Net 4.2 Stay Connected' feature. Automatically attempts to reconnect when session is disconnected.
  3. GSW mobile client for Windows CE .Net 4.2 Session Configuration selection for CE .NET 4.2 devices. Implemented through the F5 key to invoke a configuration select dialog.
  4. GSW mobile client for Windows CE .Net 4.2 Power management for CE .NET 4.2 devices. Allow Suspend configuration setting.
  5. GSW mobile client for Windows CE .Net 4.2 Clone/Replicate Session Configuration. Ease Deployment when using multiple devices.
  6. GSW mobile client for Windows CE .Net 4.2 Return To Last Active Session Feature
  7. GSW mobile client for Windows CE .Net 4.2 Beep Sound Complete Operation
  8. NAWS Telnet Option Implemented

Defect Resolution

  1. Internal modification to handle a theoretical memory bounds issue that could occur in a scenario where multiple rapid screen size changes occur in a very short time frame (less than a second).
  2. Corrected 'Application C753X.EXE has performed illegal operation ...' error for CE .NET 4.2 devices

V6.50.0026 10/27/2004 - October 27, 2004


GSW Feature Release for GSW SSH Server and Telnet Server

  1. GSW mobile client for Psion-Teklogix 8525 A GSW mobile client for the Psion-Teklogix 8525 truck mount device running Microsoft Windows CE .NET V4.2 is supported.
  2. GSW mobile client for Symbol MC-9060G A GSW mobile client for the Symbol MC-9060G device running Microsoft Windows CE .NET V4.2 is supported.
  3. GSW mobile client for LXE MX3X A GSW mobile client for the LXE MX3X vehicle mount device running Microsoft Windows CE .NET V4.2 is supported.
  4. Color Remapping on a Per User basis The file: gs_color.txt may be configured on a “per user” basis by placing them in the user’s directory under the scripts folder.
  5. Default Persistent Storage Installation The default installation directories for the GSW Mobile Clients for Microsoft Windows CE .NET V4.2 are set to persistent storage. During setup the user should select 'Install to the default directory'.e release for GSW Telnet Server and SSH Server

V6.50.0022 09/22/2004 - September 22, 2004


Major Features for Psion-Teklogix 7535

  1. Persistence of GSW Software during a 'Cold Reset' The GSW Software client software on the Psion-Teklogix 7535 can be setup to be persistent across ‘Cold Resets’. See User Guide for details.
  2. Persistence of User Fonts over a 'Cold Reset' User fonts on the Psion-Teklogix 7535 can be setup to be persistent across ‘Cold Resets’. See User Guide for details.
  3. Function Key 'F6' is a shortcut to Session|Connect on the Psion Teklogix 7535
  4. Default connection settings at Startup for the Psion Teklogix 7535 The file: "\Flash Disk\Georgia SoftWorks C753X\Default.gswtc" is loaded at startup.
  5. Default connection settings at Startup (Psion Teklogix 7535) If the security level is 'user' then the GSW SSH2/Telnet Client will attempt to connect.

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Broadcast Feature The broadcast message would not dismiss on the GSW SSH2/Telnet Client for the Psion-Teklogix 7535. Status: Fixed

V6.50.0021 08/06/2004 - August 06, 2004


Feature Release for GSW Telnet Server for Windows

  1. IP Based Logon Scripting. Define logon scripts based on the IP Address of the client logging on.
  2. Answerback Client Command Line Parameter for GSW Desktop and Mobile Clients. Pass a text string from the client to the server and store in a environment variable.
  3. Client MAC Address provided in environment variable.
  4. Remapping of ESC [ 1 6 ~ for the F5 key for VT220 emulation.

    Defect Resolutions:

  5. If files (or the folder) from the folder where the setup program was invoked are removed, installation problems occurred.

V6.50.0020 07/12/2004 - July 12, 2004


Feature Release for GSW Telnet Server

  1. SAPConsole Mobile Printing method replaced existing one. An excellent printing technique named the "SAP print method" introduced. Versatile and easier to use!
  2. Universal Terminal Server (UTS) architecture made public. UTS architecture unveiled. Always existed, however the naming of folders, executables, titles, etc. and User Manual has been updated to reflect design. Provides an accurate and better product description with the introduction of the GSW SSH2 Server. The Telnet Protocol is the default Protocol Interface and Application provided with the GSW UTS (Telnet Server). The SSH2 Protocol Interface can replace the Telnet Interface by applying the SSH2 Shield (which must be purchased separately) producing the GSW SSH2 Server.
  3. GSW Windows CE .Net Version 4.2 client introduced for select devices. e.g.: Teklogix 753x devices
  4. GSW Software Installation Status to Program Group Added
  5. Added SSH2 User Manual to Program Group

Telnet Server for Windows - December 29, 2022

Version 8.12.0017

Release Version 8.12.0017 , December 23, 2022 - Maintenance Release

  1. UTS and GSW ConnectBot now support surrogate characters. This includes support for Vietnamese characters and Emojis

  2. GSW UTS reports all Event Log events to Dashalytics (if configured)

Defect Resolutions:

  1. Orphaned processes are sometimes left even though gwtn_job_control is ON Status: Fixed

  2. GSW Clients for Windows Mobile & CE: Cursor and column alignment issue for Chinese characters. GSW Clients corrected. Status: Fixed

    This fix has the following UTS Configuraiton dependency.

    • Unicode session has to be used
    • The server has to be configured to have ForceV2, Registry entry HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT\Console\ForceV2 should be set to 1.

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